militant role of the Indian Muslims became quite clear during the Wahhabi and
Faraizi movements (1818-1871) and the Revolt of 1857-58. On these occasions the
Muslims made determined efforts with arms in their hands to re-establish their
lost powers free from alien domination. With the collapse of these movements a
section of Indian Muslims tried to channelize their energies in other
directions, viz, religious and educational. The followers of the first group
actually kept alive the processes of lslamization started by the Wahhabis and
the Faraizis without its anti-British aspect. On the other hand the leaders of
the second group thought of Muslim renaissance through the spread of modern
English education in close co-operation with the British. Both these groups
Strength en ed the forces of Muslim exclusiveness giving pro-British
orientation to Muslim politics in India . By the end of the Nineteenth century these
movements were founded on solid grounds.
Muslim organizations flowing from these two broad streams had both positive
arid negative aspects. On the positive side we find the growth of consciousness
among the Indian Muslims, i.e. they became more conscious about their backward
position. On the negative side we find that they thought of their development
as a separate and distinct community isolated from the main stream of Indian
Nationalism No positive efforts were made by them to study the question of
Muslim backwardness in its historical context under alien domination. Naturally
from the beginning of the 20th century Muslim separatism played a part in
thwarting the growth of Indianism. Besides isolated efforts here and there for
joint action with the Indian National Congress the main trend of Muslim
politics was on the whole directed towards achievements of their objects
through negotiation and co—operation with the British. Most of the Muslim
organisations moved in that direction.
these the Khaksar organisation founded and led by Inayatullah Khan (1888-1963),
popularly known as Allama Mashriqi or Wiseman of the East, struck a different
note. By reviving the spirit of militarism of the early days of Islam and by
upholding at the same time the harmonious relationship among the Hindus and the
Muslims the Khaksar leader wanted at first to re-establish Muslim rule, and
then set up a joint Hindu-Muslim rule in India. For this Khaksar leader made an
endeavour to adjust the main tenets of Islam with the people of different other
faiths. Combining orthodox and unorthodox principles in Islam and founding a
well—knit semi—military organisation he thought of Muslim renaissance as well
as the emancipation of India from foreign yoke within the context of Indian
unity. He also aimed at expanding the sphere of influence of the Khaksars
beyond the geographical limits of India .
emergence of this militant socio religious-cum-political organisation as an
all-india body during the period 1931-1940 was a new phenomenon in modern
Indian politics. It not only revealed the militant aspect of Muslim politics,
but it also uncovered various aspects of Indian national struggle as well as
the political and administrative issues confronted by the Government.
studying this no clear picture would emerge about modern Indian politics during
the period under review. But it has not received adequate attention from the
authors who have enriched the literature of Indian national movement and Muslim
politics. Notwithstanding the importance of the Khaksar movement in modern
Indian politics it has not yet been placed in its proper perspectives and no
comprehensive account of it is available, though there are some brochures and
papers on it. Before the emergence of Indian Union and Pakistan State in 1947
only two brochures were published on this movement, viz., Hiralal Seth, The
Khaksar Movement Under Searchlight and the life story of its leader Allama
Mashriqi, Lahore, 1943 (in English), and Dr. K.N. Islam, Amir Allama Mashriqi O
Khaksar Andolan, Calcutta, 1944 (in Bengali). The latter also wrote a short
biography of Allama Mashriqi and published it in the Id Number of the
‘Palashi’, a Bengali daily, in 1942. Besides these, some papers were written on
the Khaksars by Amiya Chakravarty (‘Mystery of the Khaksars,’ in Asia , August 1939 Gopinath Srivastava (‘The Khaksar Movement,’ in Amrita
Bazar Patrika, 13 October 1939 ), and Phillips Talbot (‘The Khaksar Movement,’ in
Indian Journal of Social Work, 1941). W.C. Smith (Modern Islam in India,
Lahore, May 1943) and R. Coupland (Constitutional Problem in India, Part
II, April 1944) incorporated chapters on the Khaksars in their works. Moreover,
articles on the Khaksars were published in various newspapers like The
Sunday Statesman (‘Indian Dictator’s 400,000 Khaki-clad Soldiers—Khaksar
Movement’s Rapid Rise,’ 26 March, 1939 , New Delhi Edition) and The Tribune (‘The Khaksar
Movement,’ Lahore , 20 January, 1940 ).
authors deserve credit for their pioneering efforts to throw new light on an
unknown topic namely the history of the Khaksars. But such works mainly
depended on some Khaksar literature, or on a few other easily available
documents, and data collected by interviewing Allama Mashriqi or other Khaksar
attempt was made to utilize the vast Khaksar literature and confidential
official papers—published and unpublished—available in the Record Rooms. Hence
the information about the Khaksar movement was limited and partial.
first serious venture in writing an authoritative account of the Khaksar
movement was made by Dr. Y.B. Mathur of the University of Delhi . Depending mainly on the pre-closed materials (i.e. papers open to
all scholars) available in the National Archives of India, New Delhi, Dr.
Mathur wrote a lengthy paper, consisting of 36 printed pages, entitled ‘The
Khaksar Movement,’ published in the Studies in Islam January 1969. He not only
traced the Khaksar story up to the year 1944, but even concluded his studies by
referring to the last days of Allama Mashriqi in the Pakistan State . Subsequently he wrote a separate book entitled Muslims and Changing
India (New Delhi, 1972), by incorporating the above paper with some facts
relating to the years 1945-1946 in a Separate chapter containing 42 printed
pages. It was not, however, possible for him to discuss in detail various
aspects of the Khaksar movement within such a short space. Nor did he make any
such claim. Besides, he did not consult the vast Khaksar literature, the
archival materials of the closed period (1946-47) and some other important
papers of the Khaksar Files which were already available to the scholars.
second important venture in this field was made by Dr. Shari Muhammad of
Aligarh Muslim University. Depending mainly on the pre-closed period archival
materials and some selected Khaksar tracts and pamphlets he wrote, a book entitled
Khaksar Movement in India (Delhi , 1973), containing 164 pages. Like Dr. Mathur, he
also did not consult original Khaksar works, viz. Tazkira, Isharat, Maqalat,
etc. written by Inayatullah Khan himself. Nor did Dr. Muhammad utilise some
important Khaksar documents, as for example, Khaksar Constitution, and also
Sapru Papers, in writing this work. As he did not thoroughly examine the
Khaksar literature and papers on ‘Nazi Cell’ of the Aligarh Muslim University ; he made some erroneous conclusions regarding the
‘Nazi Cell’ and the Khaksars’ attitude towards the Indian national question.
Moreover, for want of archival materials of the closed period (1946-1947) he
could not give a proper shape to the whole movement. Thus while both Dr. Mathur
and Dr. Muhammad supplied new facts regarding the history of the Khaksars, they
failed to build up a full- fledged Khaksar-image through their writings.
this dissertation I have made an humble attempt to fill up this gap in our
knowledge of modern Indian politics and to give an exhaustive and complete
account of the Khaksar movement. The sources utilized
by me in this work may be classified under following heads:
(1) In National Archives: Pre-closed Period—
(a) Proceedings of the Home Department (Political Section),
Government of India, (b) Proceedings Reforms Office, Government of India, (c)
Proceedings of the Home Department (Police), Government of India, (d)
Proceedings of the Home Department (Public), Government of India.
(2) In National Archives: Closed Period (1946-1947) — Proceedings
of the Home Department (Political Section), Government of India .
(3) Proceedings of the Central Legislature as well as of the
Legislative Assemblies and Councils of Bengal, U.P. and the Punjab .
(4) A.I.C.C Papers ; (5) Papers on Muslim League; (6) Papers on
Hindu (7) Sapru Papers; (8) Khaksar Papers in India Office Library4ndia Office
Records, London; (9) Transfer of Power, Vols, I-V; (10) German materials; (11)
Japanese materials; ( 1 2) Khaksar literature — books, pamphlets, leaflets,
letters, etc. written by Allama Mashriqi or other Khaksar leaders in Urdu, Arabic,
Bengali and English; (13) Khaksar and pro Khaksar Jouranals — Urdu and in
English; (14) Musilm League dailies and other journals; (1 5) Nationalist
Papers in Vernacular and in English; (16) Files of Statesman—Calcutta and Delhi
Editions; (17) Other journals; (18) Correspondence and interview notes—with
foreigners and Indians; (1 9) Unpublished Diary of Late Professor Nirmal Kumar
Bose and Gandhi papers (in Asiatic Society Calcutta); (20) Contemporary or
other published works.
It is needless to point out here that this work is mainly based on
original and unused source materials—published and unpublished. I have referred to the secondary sources here and
there just to fill up the gaps in our information but these have been used
critically and cautiously. Some materials have been procured by me from London , America , Japan , Germany , Pakistan and Bangladesh . In September 1966 I wrote
a long paper entitled ‘Khaksar Andolaner Itihasa’ which was published
serially in the Itihasa, a historical research journal in Bengali (Edited by R.
C. Majumdar, N. K. Sinha and Amales Tripathi, see Itihasa, Navaparjaya, Vol. I
No. 3, 1373 B. C. and No. 3, 1374 B. S.). At the
request of the editors and readers of this journal I published an expanded
version of this theme in the form of a book named Khaksar Andolaner Itihasa
(180 pages, Calcutta , 1968. In Bengali). It was translated into Japanese under
the tide ‘The Way to the Partition’ (Foreword by Dr. Takeshi Hayashi;
contribution by Prof. H. Nakamura; Postscript and Translation by Mr. Hiroshi
Sato; Published by the Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1970). This
was the first book translated from original Bengali into Japanese.
by the favourable response from the academic circles to my humble efforts, I approached the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of
India, for permission to consult and use all the materials relevant to the
Khaksar movement, including the files of the closed period (1946-1947),
preserved in the National Archives of India, New Delhi. The kind permission of
the Ministry enabled me to utilise those materials in this works and write a
fuller account of the Khaksar Movement. No other scholar has got the privilege
of consulting the Khaksar materials of the closed period before me.
order to give a clear idea about different aspects of the movement I have
thoroughly utilized the Tazkira, Isharat and other Khaksar pamphlets and tracts
published from 1924 to 1947 as well as the official notes and pamphlets
(1931-1947), and quoted passages from these documents. As I had to cover all
the Indian Provinces, Native States and tribal areas of North-Western parts of India , along with the role of the Central Government,
and as multifarious issues cropped up in connection with it, this dissertation
on an all-India movement has naturally become bulky. I have sought to avoid
sweeping generalizations and reconstruct the history of the Khaksar movement without
any preconceived idea.
preserve the originality of the sources I have not always maintained uniform
spelling with regard to particular Khaksar words or terms. Various technical or
unfamiliar words or terms have been explained in the main body of this work.
Nevertheless a selective glossary has been appended to this work for ready
reference. A short note on the officials and persons who had to deal with the
Khaksars in their different capacities has also been given.
wish to express my gratitude to all who have helped me in the preparation of
this work. Dr. S. P. Sen, Director, Institute of Historical Studies , Calcutta and Dr. Jagadish Narayan Sarkar, Professor and
Head of the Department of History, Jadavpur University , Calcutta , offered me ungrudging help from the beginning of
my work. They advised me to submit it for the highest degree of the University.
They also made valuable suggestions for its improvement. Some changes have been
made in Chapter I at the advice of Prof. H. K. Sherwani, the noted Indian
H. A. Von Rohr, Deputy Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany, Calcutta , supplied me important information about Khaksar
Nazi relations. Mr. Hiroshi Sato of the Institute of Developing Economies , Tokyo , helped me to properly utilize Japanese works on
the subject. In reply to my queries, Mr. Akhter Hameed Khan I.C.S. (Retired),
Son-in-law of Allama Mashriqi and a former Khaksar leader, and Director,
Pakistan Academy For Rural Development, Kotbari, Comilla, East Pakistan , sent me valuable information about the Khaksars.
Sri B. N. Sapru Judge, High Court at Allahabad , greatly helped me by allowing me to utilize Sapru
Papers. My friend and colleague, Dr. Nemai Sadhan Bose, Professor and Head of
the Department of History; Jadavpur University; took much trouble for me for
collecting materials from India Office Library; London, and the U.S.A. Mr. S.
M. Hasan, Deputy Librarian, National Library, Calcutta, kindly brought Allama
Mashriqi’s work Isharat for my use from the Maulana Azad Library; Aligarh
Muslim University, and also placed before me all other important works of
Allama Mashriqi preserved in the National Library, Calcutta. Maulavi Mumtaz
Ahmed of Mominpore, Calcutta , helped me in utilizing materials from Urdu and
Arabic sources. Mr. Dilip Mukherjee of Max Mueller Bhavan (1ndo Association), Calcutta , helped me in utilizing German works relevant to
my topic. Mr. A.H.M. Wazir All, I.A.S. (Retired), who had the opportunity of
studying the Khaksar movement from very close quarters, took keen interest
about this work and supplied to me valuable information about the Khaksars.
But, alas he passed away before the completion of this work.
its preparation I have received generous assistance from the authorities of the
National Archives of India, New Delhi, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library; New
Delhi, India Office library— India Office Records, London, Asiatic Society
Library; Calcutta, National Library; Calcutta, and Bangla Academy, Dacca,
Bangladesh. I am grateful to all of them.